Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Let we start from Basics of C programming language questions. 


Where ever you go for C interview , the first question might be 
3."What are the storage classes in C"?
2. memory layout of C programming ?
3.What is static variable means? What is static functions?
4.What is declaration of a variable and how it differ from the difineation ? 
5.What is the scope and life of each type of variable?
6. What is Volatile? explain 
7. How compiler maintain a scope rule? Even though both global and static are stored in Data segment
8. "Extern static int <variable> " is valid syntex or not? reason?
9.What is the use of local static?
10.is it possible to declare a  register variable as global? why ? 

Userdefine variable:

1.what are user define variables types ?
2.What is an Array? what is  pointer?
3.How array differes from pointer?
4.What is structure and union? how both are differs?
5. Explain structure padding? wts the advantage and disadvantags of padding?
6.how can we minimize the padding  wastage? 
7.do  you hear about Macro,typedef and enum? explain
8.how macro differs from inline functions?
9.Declare an array of 10 int pointers and also declare an array of pointer to an 10 interger.
10.declare pointer to an const char also declare const pointer to a char?

Bitwise operators:

1.What are the bi wise operatos available in C?
2.How to toggle a bit?
3.Count number on ON bits in a given number?
3.how to ON/OFF a particular bit ?
4.Is it possible to swap 3 variables using bitwise operator? how?
5.How can we find a given machine is Big endian or little Endian?
6.                                                         (cont.. next post )

Answers will be update on my next post . or send me an mail if any clarification on this. I will try to do my level best. 

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